Roasted Lamb Shanks With Mustard Lemon Sauce

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Lamb Shanks

Olive Oil



Salt & Pepper

Mustard & Lemon Vinaigrette Sauce


Make several incisions in the shanks with a paring knife and slide a slice of garlic and Rosemary into each slit. Place the shanks in a large baking dish, drizzle with the olive oil, turning to coat, and season with salt and pepper on all sides.


Cover it with aluminum foil. Then roast it about 1 1/2 hrs. In a high heat temperature . After 1 1/2 hours of roasting, add the chopped carrots , onions or shallots , chopped  garlic and season with salt and pepper. Cover the lamb loosely with foil. Bake the lamb, carrot and shallots for 25 to 30 minutes, uncovering the lamb and brushing lightly with melted butter after 15 minutes. Make a mustard lemon vinaigrette sauce. Then serve.

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