THANK YOU FOR VISITING MY FOOD BLOG – “This site is all about my Gastronomic Experiences and Culinary Adventures – from local and abroad.”

Filipino Culinarian Jules M Ragas has always had a fascination with cooking, which stemmed from watching his mother .

“Watching my mother cook native Philippine delicacies and seeing the passion she had for her craft really inspired me, she may not be the best cook in the world but she cooked with overflowing love.”

He holds some certifications in Professional Culinary and Pastry Arts .

I specialized to authentic Filipino recipes because that’s what I was raised on . But I’m always interested in learning new techniques and constantly experimenting and innovating my own recipes. I inspired people to spend more time enjoying cooking delicious food from fresh ingredients –and even start growing their own food.

He loves food photography, food styling , culinary tour & food blogging.

Jules M Ragas is also an active World Food Programme Volunteer – UN Registered Roster # 559993.

Expertise & Specialties:

Recipe Writing- Filipino Cuisine- Breads & Pastries -Hotel & Restaurant Services



 JULESRAGAS.COM  content is the intellectual property of Mr. Jules M Ragas . Any copying, republication or redistribution of  JULESRAGAS.COM BLOG content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent .©2015 JULESRAGAS.COM . All Rights Reserved

Please share your culinary secrets with us!